You can get anything you want if you help others get what they want ~ Zig Ziglar
This is the heart of business. I mean good business.
And from a 3D to 5D upgrade there actually isn’t much difference here, only that the choices that *some* make on the way to deep service of helping others get what they want is riddled with manipulation, lack, fear, power over, and other 3D vibrating constructs that don’t cultivate fullest abundance in the creative process.
When you market from a space of fear and desperation it creates amplification in the fear field.
In 5D, you are crafting from love, from service, from impact.
It sounds simple, but many aren’t crafting their products from a place of love and a desire to truly improve the lives of others, they are creating from the place of a desire for personal betterment.
You must trust that in furthering the people that you serve you will further yourself.
If you don’t believe this,
1. Can you truly say feel a part of Oneness?
2. Can you truly say you believe in the endless abundance of the Universe?
Service isn’t selfish, but it certainly isn’t self-serving.
Do you wake up each morning greeting the world with “what am I able to create so that I get what I want?”
Or do you wake up each morning wondering what you can give to the world with the gifts that you have been given?
It’s backward.
You fill yourself up in the morning with your personal practises and then you give and give and give until you are ready to replenish yourself (from your loved ones, from the fruits of nature, from Source itself through meditation).
A continuous consideration of how you can be of service, not “how can I create the kind of content that will attract my ideal clients?”
Your clients are attracted by your open heart, your desire to give from integrity.
A sense of completion in your purpose comes when your clients come to completion in their purpose.
Serve with a loving and open heart and it WILL come back to you.
It is as simple as that.
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