open, read + transform your Akashic Records

Akashic Records training for awakening, soul-driven creators who want to know their purpose, release limiting patterns, and step onto their highest timeline.

You know you're here for a purpose.

but sometimes it feels like you can't find the path; where to go, or what to do...

Perhaps you're craving something with more depth.

Or you have so many interests that you don't know which direction to move.

Maybe you feel like you're living your soul's purpose... but it crave clearer validation around the direction you're going.

Some days it feels like you're waiting at the door of your purpose, like there's something stuck in the way of it.

Programs, pressures and beliefs – whether seen or unseen – feel like they prevent you from getting what you want.

You want to be of service, find your voice, express yourself, and create an impact in the world.

But it often feels like you've been left in the dark, or you're missing something...

"What IS my highest path?"

The place where the answers lie?

The Akashic Records

Answers to questions like...

  • What is preventing me from opening up to my purpose?
  • What beliefs am I holding onto that are preventing my expansion as a soul?
  • What patterns are preventing my most open expression in life?
  • What am I most afraid of when it comes to my potential?
  • What experiences is my soul craving in life in the next year?
  • What do I continue to sabotage myself in this way, and what can I do about it?
  • What lesson do I need to learn around self-worth and how can I embody these lessons right now?

And many, many, more... infinitely more!

OK, sounds helpful...

but What ARE the Akashic Records?!

The Akashic Records are an energy stream that runs through everything in existence.

They are an ancient and innate wisdom that we all hold.

Within them is the blueprint of who we all are on a soul level. 

They hold every thought and experience we've ever had (in every lifetime), every now-moment we long to experience, and every future that is possible for us.

They cut through the noise to the Truth.

They strip back what's not real and give you what's needed to bring the soul's purpose to life.

How do the Akashic Records help me?

  • Share your soul-purpose and soul mission: the impact that you're here to make in the world;
  • Move you RAPIDLY out of confusion and into clarity over your next steps toward your purpose – and why – so you feel safe to move forward;
  • Bring awareness to unhelpful patterns and programs, and support you to release them;
  • Help you cope with difficult emotions that arise, such as guilt, shame, blame, and develop emotional mastery;
  • Support you opening into creative expression so that you feel lighter, like life is a playground to share your Truth;
  • Bring focus, clarity, next steps, balance so that you preserve your precious energy for the things that matter most, and move the needle for you;

Hi, Jen Holmes

Jen has a BA degree in psychology, is a certified coach through Inner Glow Circle Coach Training, is a shamanic practitioner-in-training and Akashic guide and channel.

She has been working daily in the Akashic Records since 2017, and served hundreds of clients with 1:1, group support, and through sharing Akashic downloads with her community.

My timeline with the Akashic Records


Sitting on my sofa one normal sunny morning, I try one of the suggested journalling exercises in Ernesto Ortiz's "The Akashic Records". My hand starts moving on its own, and sharing things I'd never say to myself! I am in shock, and awe, but filled with curiosity...


I begin to fill pages and pages of journals. The writing goes from scrawly to clear. I begin to hear words, insights. I decide to do some training around reading the Akashic Records for others and begin to practice. I get tattoos with my first download on my wrists.


I start to practise Akashic readings on others for free to improve my skills. I learn to type on the computer what I'm receiving. People begin to get referred me and write testimonials that create buzz. I start to create an income from the experience.

MARCH 2019

The Akashic Records continues to guide my life and business decisions. The channel gets stronger, Akashic channelling is more clear. I start to be able to speak Akashic insights as I receive them, and hold group experiences led from this space.

JULY 2019

Akashic Code is born, supporting women to access their Akashic Records. Evolving over time to provide, tools, training, coaching and experiences that support Luminary Leaders unlock more of their Creative Power, with a particular focus on channelling that power into Service and business creation.


Hundreds of Akashic Sessions later, several group courses, launches, the Akashic Records forms a part of my every day, where I obtain insights and guidance for my business, and weave it within every 1:1 and group container I offer.

Love notes from Clients


I had an Akashic Reading with Jen that was transformative for me. It was the most direct, useful, and profound reading of any type that I've ever had. The benefits of this reading are far reaching and I just feel so much more peace and clarity around my purpose, and who I am.

I now feel infinitely more positive about my life and have found the energy to make the changes I've been dancing around for years.


I found the whole process of entering the Akashic Records so uplifting and confirming. I really loved the way you stepped me through and that I also was able to tune in.  This was very useful as I was able to experience the expanded perspectives AND the big message which really nailed in words what I had been grappling with - through my intellect - about my bigger purpose. 


Working with Jen is like kicking back with an old friend who has the ability to take the words right out of your mouth. Or, in the case with her Akashic Records readings, these words are actually the deepest thoughts of your soul longing to be said. To say I was blown away would be an understatement!!


Jen made me cry – but not in a bad way :)

My experience with her was unique and moving. She was able to share some wonderful insight and some hard truths that I needed to face in my life.


Entering the Akashic Records was way better than any psychic I had ever seen. The reasoning is that she combines powerful coaching techniques on top of spiritual guidance which leaves one feeling deeply understood and with a sense of inner peace towards the next steps in life.


To say that I'm a skeptic is the Understatement of the Year. To be honest, I had no idea what I was walking into, and yet I came with tons of judgment and already dismissing the process.

And then Jen started reading what was coming up in the Akashic Records... *Brakes screeching*...hold the fuck up.

As soon as Jen started talking, I had chills down my arms and was speechless. Within minutes of starting, I was floored. 

I have a clearer vision of what's next and finally have the words that I was unable to express, to let the world know exactly what it is I am doing and what I help women do in their own lives.

It was life-changing!!


Holy moly... BLOWN AWAY!

This may be a little too “woo-woo" for some of you, but The Akashic Records was an incredible experience for me personally, and I am so glad I went in with an open mind and an open heart.

Past/typical client breakthroughs through working with the Akashic Records 

  • First $16k month in their coaching business
  • Pivot in business to soul's calling, after months of resistance
  • Committing to the Divine Feminine path
  • Letting go of a 10 year on-off twin-flame relationship
  • After 10 years of dating, discovering what's holding them back from finding "The One"
  • Creating peace around a painful, lifelong, family dynamic
  • Clarity on business brand, niche, and offer and having highest income month ever
  • Saving their marriage by healing the root cause of disagreement
  • Successfully launching soul-desired energy healing offers and group coaching programs;
  • Moving cities, going traveling, quitting their jobs for new and better... and so much more!

Whatever your question is...

The Akashic Records can provide insight.

Ready to go deeper for yourself?



open, read + transform your Akashic Records

A 6-Module training on the Akashic Records designed for curious Cosmic Adventurers, awakening Truth-seekers, path-finders, and soul-driven creators.

Become fluent in the foundational elements needed to open, explore, gain insight, and facilitate personal transform through your Akashic Records.


  • The what, where, how, when, and why of the Akashic Records
  • How the Akashic Records has been understood throughout the ages
  • Creating your own personal understanding of the Akashic Records
  • Explorations of the Akashic Records and getting a sense of how they most want to work with you


  • The Akashic Masters, your eternal guides: who they are, and how they are different to other spiritual guides
  • The role of the Akashic Masters, how they guide you, how they present to you, and how they want to communicate with you
  • Creating a strong, conscious, ongoing bond with your Akashic Masters


  • Cultivating the being and body state to explore successfully in the Akashic Records
  • The art of receiving, and developing/trusting your natural psychic senses
  • Activate your gift to channel from the Akashic Records


  • Exploration of the Truth of soul purpose, connecting with your soul purpose
  • Calling forward soul purpose for expression
  • Accessing and activating unused resources from soul centre


  • Uncovering and releasing limiting and unhelpful patterns through your Akashic Records
  • Working in your Akashic Records to rewrite patterns: tools and techniques
  • Mastering challenging emotions around unhelpful and limiting patterns


  • Stepping onto your highest path and staying there
  • Timeline sourcing and commitment/anchoring
  • Creating focus in confusion, clarity in chaos
  • Next steps now that you're activated into your Akashic Records

By the end of SCHOOL OF THE AKASHA you will:

  • Understand the True Nature of the Akashic Records;
  • Feel confident to explore within The Akashic Records, and understand what you're experiencing.
  • Have developed a deep bond with your Akashic Masters (your guides – and chief support – within your Akashic Records);
  • Have the foundational tools you need to gain insight around ANY question you may be struggling with in your life so that you can move quickly out of confusion, doubt, and feeling stuck into clarity, focus, and aligned action;
  • Be able to source insight on what's needed to resolve ANY stuck pattern you've been struggling with, even if it's been for a lifetime (or multiple lifetimes!)
  • Be equipped with the knowledge of your soul's purpose, what's needed for you to step onto your highest timeline.

On sign up you will receive immediate access to SCHOOL OF THE AKASHA training program (Value $799)..

As well as these bonuses...


#1 "The Voice of my Soul" (value $97)

How to recognise the voice of your soul and master self trust. Insights, exercises and meditations for a clear channel with your soul.

#2 Manifestation Runway (value $197)

A powerful mini-course and meditation series to clear out, make space (within and without), and call in intentions for what you desire to manifest for yourself.

#3 Heart Immersion + 5D Creation bundle (value $1000)

Access to the Heart Immersion experience, a series of 6 immersive calls to access and activate the deepest Truth held in your heart, and the 5D Creation Activation and workshop, designed to activate you into (and equip you for) the New Earth paradigm.




Who the SCHOOL OF THE AKASHA is (and isn't) for...

It IS for you if...

- You're self-responsible and have a basic ability to "drop in" with yourself. You have meditated before, and find it supports you.

- You love to venture deeper into your own spirituality and play with tools to help you step on (or further along) the path of your awakening and liberation. You realise this path never ends, and aren't looking for "one thing" that will somehow solve everything.

- You're ready to surrender your stories and limitations at the door and connect into your Truth.

This ISN'T for you if...

- Meditation and internal reflection is practically impossible for you. You tend to feel almost nothing, and rarely attempt it.

- You are in a deep in a fear-based mindset and hope that the Akashic Records will save you in some way (we enter the Akasha from an empowered state, or we often receive very little at all).

- You don't feel you have a bigger purpose, a grander mission of service and expression in the world... You're quite comfortable where you are, thank you very much!

Love Notes From Clients


Jen can encompass the soul's gifts and higher purpose. She would ask me questions, and her answers were so SPOT ON and specific I was mesmerized by what the guides were telling her. Jen helped me find clarity and unclutter the confusion which was present. What was even more amazing was she was so directly channeled in that she told me things the guides were saying to her that I would be the only one to know who she was speaking about.

I now feel infinitely more positive about my life and have found the energy to make the changes I've been dancing around for years.


The information that I received from the Akashic Records was directly related to the experiences and blocks that I was facing and I left the call with deep and actionable steps to move forward.

This work shook me up in the best way possible - it brought my old stories to the surface and created space to shift my mindset and release them for good.


I got soooo much great insight from my Akashic Masters that has not only confirmed I'm on the right path, but they also offered guidance about what I need to do to truly be aligned with myself and higher purpose.


I have, I believe, uncovered one of my deepest core beliefs and with that I have realised just how massively that false belief has impacted my whole life. I am now in the process of being aware of how it presents in my life in the present so that I can heal and transcend it.


I had no idea what to expect. So perhaps it wasn’t difficult to blow my mind. My biggest take away that I’ll share for now is that ‘perfection is not necessary to make significant progress.’

Thank you Jen from the bottom of my ever loving heart. You have helped me FREE MYSELF.


I had no idea what I'd be in for --- but let me just TELL YOU --- the amount of sheer confirmation and potent accuracy of the information she brought through was so fun, so amazing, and SO spot on it brought me to tears (a few times).


It was like someone finally sat me down and gave me the love and awareness that my soul, my being and my whole self needed. It brought me clarity, deep discoveries, and so much understanding and love. I felt like I wasn’t alone, that there is so much love around me, and all I needed to do was be open and listen.


I was quite skeptical of the whole process, but I was blown away by the insights and realizations from my higher self through the Akashic Records!

Are you ready to awaken the ancient wisdom that lives within you?

To remember who you really are.

To release all that isn't you.

To sink into the energetic state you were born to create from.

The Akashic Records opens in front of you.

You are venturing bravely out on this journey of self-discovery, along the way unlocking codes about reality that you're ready to share with the world.

You are ready to create the future that is vibrating within your soul.

You're at a choice-point:

Will you choose to walk through to discover your soul-blueprint within the Akashic Records and weave that blueprint into greater service in the world...

Or will you turn back?

What feels like expansion here for you?

Drop in for your "yes"...

And when you feel it, step IN.


Love notes from Clients


The information she channelled was so relevant and resonated on such a soul level it's given me courage and an inner knowing to keep moving forward with my short and longer term dreams and goals


The messages I received through my Akashic Records put a voice to things I'd felt resistant to acknowledging, mainly surrounding my energy and how to manage it the way I'm meant to. It gave me the push I needed to start learning more about energy work and how I'm to be using my gifts for not only my benefit, but that of others. 


I felt like someone finally cared enough to tell me what I had always needed to hear, to validate some of the thoughts I had, and the signs I saw and felt. The responses were more than I could have ever anticipated.

I poured over my transcripts, they are so amazingly detailed. They have been so helpful and wonderful to have with me.


I felt so at ease. The message that came through her was profound, I have thought about it daily as bit by bit it transforms my life. 


As she read my Akashic Records she grasped my essence in seconds and had me in tears with the support and guidance she could provide through accessing my records!

She speaks to your soul and can express so clearly what you haven't yet found a way to express yourself. It was such a powerful experience.


Your guidance and channelling has given me SUCH clarity on what my next steps are to move into the next phase and evolution of SELF. I feel seen, heard, loved and supported. What more could you ask for?!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have more details about what the Akashic Records are?

You can learn ALLLLL the things in this blog post

Are there any refunds?

There are no refunds. School of the Akasha is for you if you're ALL IN.

If you're feeling unsure if the Akashic Records is the right tool for you to learn about right now, or that I'm the Akashic guide for you, I highly encourage check out all the free content on, on my YouTube channel, and Instagram page etc before investing your time, energy and resources in School of the Akasha.

Do I need to be super intuitive to join School of the Akasha?

If you find it really challenging to drop in with yourself, have never gotten anything out of meditation and are generally deeply skeptical and close minded about the whole Akashic thing... then best not to join.

If you feel stirrings along your awakening path, enjoy learning new spiritual techniques and approaches, are open minded to go deeper, then you will very much enjoy what we will move through!

Will I learn how to read others' Akashic Records after this course?

In School of the Akasha we will not be learning about how to read other people's Akashic Records, only your own.

Having said that, in line with personal authority, with enough continued practise, and going off-piste explorations of your own in the Akasha, you may find in time you build enough confidence to start reading others' Akashic Records.