October 29


The Akashic Masters on the Body and Awakening

The body is absolutely essential in the awakening process, yet so few individuals in the space-time that you occupy are aware that this is the case.


The body is a signalling system for the soul’s most core essence, the totality of who you are.

The body is also the receptor for this soul essence in a way that can make meaningful sense to you, that is to say, your soul has chosen the limited perspective of the body-soul consciousness that is you, reading the words on the page at this point in time.

Has the soul-consciousness of you ever experienced anything that you can remember which is wildly, unrelatedly, different to what you are seeing now?

Yes you are sleeping, occasionally doing meditation, and plant medicine, though for the most part what you are seeing, feeling, sensing, and experiencing is exactly what you are seeing, feeling, sensing, and experiencing right this moment.

And so, if the consciousness of you, which is, as you know by now, a fragment of our Creator, and is essentially, always, God, embodied, then, does it not stand to reason that you are essentially an embodied version of God right now and, what’s more, an embodied version of God which has been chosen by you?

Well, even if this is not how you feel at most moments, this is Truth, we can share.

And so, at all moments of all days, your body is God and ready and willing in all moments to be experienced as such, it is only that this is a challenging prospect for you as the body has – and often continues to – cause you grief.

Are you aware of the reason why the body causes you grief?

Because it is trying to get back to that God-sensation within it, only you won’t let it.

We don’t say this to blame you for anything at all, only to point out that the grief you experience within the body is not caused by the body, per se, that grief is a symptom of resistance that is held within you toward your body’s desire for bountiful well being.

And so, returning to the original question, is the body essential in the awakening process?

Yes it is, as the body is God, and it is only the mind in all of its distortions around the lack-lustre purpose – and worse, the obstruction – that it holds toward awakening.

How can the very thing that has been chosen by you, and the very thing that is composed of all Creation, and the very thing that allows you to experience all that life as a human has to offer be a block to the experience of all Creation?

This is total and utter madness.

Yes it is possible to “transcend the body” to elevate so far out of the body that pure Creation is experienced, but it is the body that is the springboard to this experience.

It is the body which invites the consciousness of you through the doorway of the self and into the beyond.

It is the body which allows the consciousness of you to experience both: both humanity and spirituality, and so, is it not therefore clear that the body is ultimately the divine connection to the All, to the knowing, experiencing and beingness within (and without) the All?

We cannot emphasise this enough.

In loving and enveloping the body you are loving and enveloping the All, the soul of you, the Creator and all that is inside the infinitude of all reality.

It is the catalysing force which will propel you into all of who is within your body, your soul, your Self, the Creator, and so so much more.

There is an infinite number of ways that this can be expressed but we shall complete for now.


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