You can’t *think* your way to your message.
Sitting, wondering,
–> What is popular right now?
–> What are most people talking about?
–> What do I like speaking about?
–> What would people BUY if I spoke about this thing?
People will never buy from you IN INTEGRITY if you are calling them in on the basis of money.
Money can't fuel your creations, they are a healthy by-product of speaking into what your soul most desires to live into within the world.
You establish this through living a beautiful story. The kind of story that each day says you've decided to battle the unseeing forces of oppression (both inside and out) so that there is a sense of liberation within you in each and every moment.
You absolutely must express into a message that means something to you, that you perceive and understand to be important for the progression of humanity and non-humanity (the plants, trees, animals, Earth etc).
Your message serves the Earth if it is coming from the space of the soul.
The Earth, truly, is the leader of all beings on Earth, you must follow her energies, wants, desires, and intent if you want to stand any chance of triumphing in the fullest expression of yourself in your work, and creative efforts.
You are in process toward the message that you will live…
AND you will never ever arrive.
The instant that you feel whole and comfortable, full and expressive in the message that you have landed on, it will start to shift, change, mould, adapt, become a bigger version of itself…
Stop trying to create the perfect message for your business, and just start to express all of who you are.
A message is a lag indicator of a fully expressed human. It can’t authentically come first, it has to follow Truly Knowing who you are, what creates energy through movement in your energy field of you… and so MOVE.
Messaging is all about taking the Truest, wildest, rawest Truth of who you are and condensing it into a recognisable frequency of Truth through words.
How can you verbalise something that hasn’t yet been fully born into reality?
If you are holding back, then the Truth is you are not yet fully aware of the message that longs to live through you.
Expression is always key, even when it’s uncomfortable, even when people unfollow you, even when it hurts to analyse the *possible* thoughts of others and drive yourself a little mad with anxiety over the impact…
Years of subtle pandering, meandering, avoidance and essentially allowing yourself to be shaped into the comfort zone of others shall close your heart and hurt your energy to a greater extent than holding your breath and just releasing.
You are pure energy, my Love, allow it to move.
It is infinitely more painful to sit in a cage the size of another’s acceptable conception of you than it is to just BE YOU and watch others crack apart the falsehoods that they shrouded over your mind, body and spirit.
Release into yourself, it is the most ecstatic form of expression as exists...
The Quantum explosion of pure soul essence landing into a loved and prepared body... there is no beauty in the world greater.
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