January 30


When you’re standing in THE FOG in your business, here’s what to do

I’ve been deep in “the fog” the past few days. Proper Silent Hill stuff.

Every direction I look in has no clear path, no clear direction.

Every action I go to take feels like a grind, a “no”


I can still hear the Akashic Masters, but every question I ask them makes my body squirm (and their answers are just as annoying lol).

A few years ago I would have HATED this place:

“FUCK! What should I do? Why is this happening?? What are my next steps???”

I’d just force my way through. Do something – anything – because it’s “moving forward”

Since being connected to my Akashic Masters + the Akashic Records, that panic doesn’t seem to happen anymore...

It’s more like a... frustration: ”URGH, this place again. OK… FINE”

I know what to do (but my tantruming human wished she didn’t have to):

TRUST THE FOG, I say (and roll my eyes lol).

If I can’t clear the fog, even when I try, then I’m obviously supposed to be here for some reason.

So I stand in the fog… and wait.

Calm enough, looking around, waiting for some obvious sign to move forward.

The path isn’t being made clear right now because there’s something happening that I’m not aware of yet:

Some other components of reality are still assembling so I need to wait for that to happen (I’m not an island, I’m cooperation with reality).

I’m asking the wrong questions (which is probably why my own questions are irritating me) so I need to wait while my human technology updates (this is usually when I’m meeting a new edge, so the questions I’m asking make no sense in the context of the next step).

I’m trying to move in a direction that isn’t my highest path (even though I THOUGHT it was): “OK… you got something better? Cool. Show me”

I filter through all possible actions that I could take, and find the one that feels like it has the least resistance, even if it doesn’t make sense in the context of what I wanted to do. And I just do it, even if my human panics with “WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD???”

“I know, I know. It’s cool, trust me.” I say, comforting her. Bless, she’s always trying to “get shit done”

The Akashic Records haven’t made the path 100% easy, but they have certainly made the journey along it INFINITELY more chill.


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