November 21


How to receive the answer to anything you want to know, big or small

Tuning into the body to receive the answers to anything that you need to know about your path, purpose, or even small insights such as what car to buy, or where to go on holiday!

The body holds the key to all of these insights, only we're not used to tuning in and listening.

Here the Akashic Masters respond to the common resistances, obstacles, and misunderstandings around listening to the body for personal insights.


"I want to listen to my body, but I fall into people pleasing, and do what everyone else expects of me”

You don’t fall into people pleasing because you listen to your body, dislike what it tells you (or disagree), and then you do what everyone else suggests… you do what everyone else suggests *because* you have not listened to your body.

It is not a “chicken and egg” situation, it is a cause and effect situation (on a cosmic level, one might suggest).

If you engage in the practises outlined in booklet associated with this post, over time, it will start to feel painful expression to purely follow what others expect of you.

It will cause so much acute pain in the body – which you have by this point completely attuned to – that it is not fathomable to do anything other than what the body is suggesting.

“The whole process is really uncomfortable. I procrastinate about making decisions and often hide from them afterward! How will listening to my body remove that discomfort?”

The whole process is deeply uncomfortable for two reasons.

The first reason is that the level of doubt which is felt in the body is beyond what is comfortable, and when the body is in doubt over the next choice it sets of loud ever-present “bells” inside your being. 

The second reason is as a result of this doubt (and the bells!): a sense of safety is not felt, which puts up resistance to moving forward: self-sabotaging, avoidance, and procrastination, among many other ways of approaching the situation.

If the body is assured – deeply, deeply, assured – of the next step (as it has been referenced in taking that next step), then the discomfort would largely disappear; again, it is a cause and effect situation.

The body is not referenced or comforted deeply enough in the decision-making process, and so it creates internal discomfort in the form of the tension you experience when you try to take yourself from where you are, to where you want to be.

“I feel I get an answer from my body, but how can I be sure that it truly is?”

This is a classic, classic, example of the protests to this approach to decision making.

It is the belief (and experience) that the signals received from the body, which we can share are never “incorrect” i.e. they will never lead you toward danger, are not clear:

You might say, Is it my body, or am I just hearing what I want to hear, making it up, or listening to the fear? I can’t tell.

Let’s consider a different approach to the drive underlying this protest:

What is it that scares your True Self so much about listening to the body... to truly, truly listening to it?

Because the problem is not that the body is unclear in what it is sharing with you, the problem is that there is some kind of internal resistance that you’re holding on to around listening to the body, which is causing you to believe that what’s being heard is unclear, untrue, or flowing from fear.

The way forward is not to give up, to not think,

Oh well, I can’t hear the body, it’s all confusing to me, let me go and think about it.

The key is to go even deeper into the resistance – or at least the blankness or “quietness” that is apparently presenting itself to you – and ask,

Who (or what) are you, and what are you doing here?

You see, the walls the body puts up as protection are profoundly complicated, an endless array of red herrings to keep you confused so that you give up even trying to move forward.

The key is compassionate, curious, and firm perseverance and practise of tuning into the body.

There is no other way; it is the only way to bring down the barriers to the True answers held within the body.

“Part of me wants one thing, and part of me wants another, how do I know what my body wants?”

This is not possible.

It is not possible that the body would ask two different and conflicting things off of you, as the body – the true divinely connected and clarifying human-soul dynamic body – would never ever, ever, ask that you split the Self in two in the service of two conflicting desires.

The truth is that you are, again, not tuning in deeply enough to hear the True answer of the soul through the body.

Or if you are tuning in deeply enough to hear it, the body is still not comforted enough with the direction it would take you, and so it offers resistance.

The Self must tune in deeper, quieten deeper.

Seek out the fear within the body which is causing the split, sit with it, and soothe it until the split is rectified, and the decision making process is brought back into its wholeness.

“Yeah but… I slip into overthinking absolutely everything!”

You slip into overthinking everything as the body is not comforted, and so it desperately attempts to find a life-raft whereever there might be one available.

Your consciousness allows this to happen because it knows no other way than to think its way to solutions. This is a byproduct of the society that you are in and so do not judge yourself for it.

Overthinking is not a “bad” process to enter into. Sometimes it yields helpful solutions, as the past is often a useful reference for future decisions. The only trouble is, as you know, it is stressful, draining, all-consuming, and often extremely slow because the body is in fear and so is unable to act fast, if at all, until it feels safe enough to move forward.

The answer is not to move into the mind, but move even deeper into the body.

The body will put up resistance to this, as it knows that in attempting to comfort it, it is being asked to move forward into what it currently sees as a danger zone, and so be patient in this process. Do not attempt to hurry it.

If anything, put off the decision for as long as it takes for the body to feel safe, otherwise it will see through the techniques and tactics that are being used to soothe it into the next step forward.

- Channelled with Love from The Akashic Records via Jen Holmes


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