October 30


The Akashic Records on “Ascension”

I have an unconscious aversion to the word "ascension."

It has this hue of the wounded Christian about it, of which I am all too familiar.

Of being displaced from the thing you want.

Of not being enough where you are, so there is a need to move up to where the better people are.

I dived into this with the Akasha today:


"What is the necessity to "move up," you believe?

Why not down, or sideways?

It reeks to you of power, control, and belittlement, and so you resist the word "ascension."

We understand, but ascension is not as you believe.

You are not ascending into a place.

You are not, in reality, moving at all.

There is no movement in ascension, and there is certainly no moving “upward.”

What is upward anyway in an expansive Universe that has no end, and no direction apart from “outward?"

Outward, in reality, doesn’t mean anything either, because it is not moving from inward to outward.

It is simply becoming more of itself in a direction that is less of itself.

And the concept of "more" and "less" are absolutely arbitrary, as no one is measuring it...

And it's all part of itself anyway.

No, the ascension is to do with the frequency that the body is occupying.

Yes, that’s correct, the body.

The soul is always resonating at the Oneness frequency, and so there is no necessity for it to adjust a single aspect about itself.

Rather, it is the body which is ascending its frequency to align with the soul-self.

What this means is that the world is experienced through all the senses from the perspective (more or less) of the soul.

What is the perspective of the soul?

Love, union, connection, appreciation, gratitude, wealth (of every kind) and so much more.

And so, what is ascension truly?

If it is not “going up,” or bettering the Self, or being perfect?

It is You allowing you to be You without a single drop of resistance, as resistance in a sense “dampens” the soul frequency as expressed through the body.

We would suggest that the current, more Christian perspective that you hold around “ascension” as being "worthlessness" into "worthy" is dropped, as it is completely untrue.

It is so untrue it is damaging to the true ascension process, as one cannot be more of oneself if one believes they are worthless.

This is the complete opposite of the Truth!

Ascend, yes.

See the frequency within the beingness of you rise, as in, remain in acceptance of Self – full acceptance – and the frequency will very naturally rise,

Because Self is Oneness

And so how can it not?"

Words: The Masters of the Akashic Records via Jen Holmes


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