I watched a movie called Down To Earth the other day, and it got me thinking... how COULD we live outside of capitalism when we are living IN a capitalistic society? IT FEELS SO FREEING TO IMAGINE.
I dropped into the Akashic Records for some insight...
It is possible to live in freedom within a capitalistic society, but it does take a change of perspective, attitude, and behaviour in order to achieve it.
Capitalism is founded on the premise that nothing is worth anything unless it has a monetary value; it is only “worth” something within the capitalistic framework. It is a circular problem of value: worthiness and productivity toward that value and worthiness. In essence, everything is monetary/fiscal.
Look around the room that you are in right now. Everything has a “value.” You paid something for it, and so you appraise it and believe “this is worth that,” and the higher the value of the item that you have paid for, the greater perceived value...
Is this the case though?
As you look around is there anything within the room that you paid hardly anything for, but that feels utterly valuable to you?
There are books on the shelves, there are items that clothe and surround you that were not “high investment,” but that FEEL worth hundreds, millions, because of their importance to YOU.
Here is how you start to break the construct of capitalism FOR YOURSELF.
You see the arbitrariness of it all, and how there is no inherent capitalistic “value” in certain things, for example, the trees, the air, the rivers, the mountains (for the most part) but these are the most valuable resources as exists on the planet.
Equally, there are many things that surround you that are low value according to others, but high value according to your experiences with them.
In order to “break” capitalism within yourself, you have to start to see how it has objectified value and then, as a result, YOU begin to create subjective value for yourself.
Trust YOUR own perception of the world and what YOU see as valuable. It creates a kind of autonomy inside the larger reality that you are experiencing, and autonomy within reality – recognising the Truth of subjectivity in reality – is what starts to shift and change Objective reality.
Imagine that all beings began to see the worthiness of those things perceived as not worthy of value? Suddenly the world then sees that Trees are the most valuable resource upon planet Earth because they enable you to LIVE (breathe). And aliveness is the most valuable thing of all to a temporal human!
The second way to remove yourself from capitalism is to give it less attention. Start to NOT SEE the reality of money. It sounds odd, but the more that you are fuelling money by looking at it, the firmer it becomes as an important thing within your reality.
Don’t strive for money, strive for fullness within yourself. This creates a kind of force-field of ecstasy through sheer living around you. LIVE. LIVE LIVE.
If you are truly living:- seeing, breathing, feeling, arriving within the heart of you, and sensing the pure value of experience within this state, then money shall feel as hollow as can be. Not because it IS hollow per se, but because you have arrived at an ecstatic state that is BEYOND capitalism and money, productivity etc.
It is essential that you bring yourself out of “productivity” and bring yourself into ecstatic creation.
Do you want to liberate yourself from scarcity around money FOR GOOD?
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Creation is the thing that fuels your soul. You are creating in the most potency when you are being completely yourself (even when you are resting you are creating, as long as you are resting 100% AS YOU. Do not be caught up in the idea that creating “burns you out,” for creating has been tied to productivity, which is tied to capitalism! Your constructs continue to trap you…).
Create through releasing into yourself and you will find that capitalistic structures start to bend in order to support you.
You see, this is the problem: you believe that capitalism runs you, when in reality you run capitalism.
Capitalism is designed to bend to your will so that you are able to create and move “civilisation” forward, so why then are you passing all of the power that you have over to it and begging it to support you?
No, you are the master here, and capitalism bends to you, after all it was created by you (humankind), wasn’t it?
This is a simple case of SEEing yourself in the context of being the powerful being that you are. It isn’t a case of coming to SEE capitalism as a disruptor that needs to be ignored. You ignore it simply because you see it as a tool used toward expression, only paying mind to it when it is the facilitator of expression of who you are.
And so what are you prioritising here? Not “making money,” but expressing. Focus retreats from capitalistic “features” – money, money constructs, money vehicles – and focuses back on YOU.
If you are a service provider it shall become rather apparent to you that it takes hardly any money in order to express yourself and subsequently create money… you simply need to be you, receive from the soul what s/he wants to create, create it, and then allow channels for money to come forward and support you.
This view is not absolute. There are many who would disagree with this. Many who would say “focus on the money and it shall come!” and yes, that is true, but the question here is around LIVING OUTSIDE OF CAPITALISM, because there is a sense that focussing WITHIN capitalism is hurting you. What is being shared here is how you achieve that.
The final way that you achieve freedom from capitalism is to design your life so that it relies less and less on capitalism for it to be complete.
It may be that this looks like going off-grid, living in the forest, and having less and less and less capitalistic influences within your reality, but that’s not the destiny that many desire for themselves, and that’s ok.
So how can you live, say, within Beverly Hills, have swathes of clothes, bags, cars, “things” which are deeply, deeply, embedded within capitalism and still NOT be within capitalism? See them as temporal, PLAY, unimportant, mere trinkets that your soul is playing with because s/he can.
Those who are most caught up in the pain of capitalism are those who value all that comes with it HIGHLY. They start to see things as extensions of themselves. They begin to IDENTIFY with money, start to make it MEAN something about themselves. Essentially, their soul and body has “bought into” capitalism, and so they spend their lives in the endless chase.
If you want the things that come with capitalism then see them as things. You don’t need to wrap up your psyche and cells with those things, creating a kind of co-dependency that drains your life force every time the tide turns with these same things.
This goes for EVERYTHING that is wrapped up within capitalism. Your ancestors used to live in caves, hunt with spears, cook over the fire, and live together, bathe together, laugh together, play together and they didn’t BUY a single thing. They were happy.
It is such that you have come to see that rented accommodation, wrapped food from the supermarket, and other things that you buy such as water, gas, electric etc are vital for survival… but your ancestors would have looked at you and wondered, “why is she living inside the strange square thing with magical flames of blue coming from that square object inside the other white cube (stove in the kitchen)?”
In fact, they wouldn’t have SAID any of this because such words did not exist. All they were aware of was the state of BEING and EXISTING. It would all be very strange to your ancestors. And so, over time, you lost the belief that you could live and survive within nature, but it IS possible.
Imagine how liberated you would feel if you truly believed that if you lost everything that you would find a way to live like your ancestors, and thrive? That the world wouldn’t spiral into homelessness and destitution the way that your neocortex mind tells you is true?
Do you want to liberate yourself from scarcity around money FOR GOOD?
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How painful is the belief that nature wouldn’t support you if you simply decided that you would find a way to live there? Imagine how free you would feel if you believed that nature will ALWAYS support you, even when the whole world decides that capitalism is The Way? Everything within capitalism would feel like a game because if it all “fails,” or you get sick of the whole thing, you’ll just find a way to live free in nature.
It’s possible. There are people doing it already within the world. Don’t let your mind tell you otherwise, for the capitalist within you is so ingrained that it would say “Impossible! Earn more, create more, produce more! Get, get, get! Strive! Grab! Obtain! Hold! hoard! You can never be free of this... ever!”
Of course it would tell you that if it believes you are going to die on the street.
What about if you shifted your perspective to be “If I decide I no longer want capitalism to rule me I will find a way to be free.” and then suddenly YOU RULE, and capitalism is supporting the creative efforts of the soul.
You have to bring yourself into a space of seeing that money doesn’t rule you if you want to be free of capitalism. It is the only way.
- You can decide to actually live outside of capitalism.
- You can decide that you are simply going to Play within capitalism (because it just so happens to be here in the world, so why not? Your soul rules after all).
- You can decide to see that capitalism isn’t important by retraining your focus into the power of your subjective view of “value”…
If you do one, some, or all of these approaches, THEN you become free.
It’s the only way to be in a world that longs to bend and break you into creating for productivity (and worthlessness otherwise).
Do you want to liberate yourself from scarcity around money FOR GOOD?
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