January 3


I can tell you all about funnels…

I can tell you all about funnels.

About lead magnets and landing pages.

Creating websites and making sure they convert.

You want to know about warming your list, and email sequencing? Ni problema.

Avatars and ideal customers.


Upsells and tripwires (where and how to place them).

Making progress in memberships, and grandfather rates.

Positioning and messaging for high ticket offers.

Blue-ocean strategies.

The perfect sales script (and adapting it to you).

DMs and voice note selling, crafting offers and creating a customer journey.

Speaking to objections and methodologies and tactics for consistent leads.

Telling stories that convert.

Facebook ad campaigns, ad sets, and ads. Custom audiences and retargetting.

Email signature hacks, 9-word email hacks, pleasing the algorithm...

My brain is STUFFED full of this information.

It is the room in which I stand when I work with my clients, and approach my own business…

But for the most part I CANNOT find the energy to create content around this.

How-tos and checklists, must haves and strategies.

It’s fucking boring.

I want to know what you dream about creating in the world.

I want to know what you started to tell yourself from age 5 that has you terrified of being seen, or crafting your own success.

I want to know how your ancestors speak to and through you (and how it helps and hinders you).

I want to hear about your ceremonies and how you dance, how you play with energy and what you’re learning within the quantum field.

I want to hear about your healing, what wants to unlock so that your heart can cry and release, so space is made for your dream to become real.

Business strategies are just the four walls of the room that we’re standing in.

I can’t talk about the wallpaper, sorry.

So… can I just convey to you, like, now, that I just KNOW all that boring businessy stuff so we can move on with decorating this room of entrepreneurship for you?

Cool? Cool.

K, love you.

Do you want to liberate yourself from scarcity around money FOR GOOD? 

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