akashic code's

Heart Immersion

with Danielle Dillard & Jen Holmes

You're invited on a journey from your head to your heart

You're craving a deeper relationship with your heart;

She's been asking for your intentional, tender, focus.

You've tasted what it's like when you're connected to her:

Dropping into flow more easily.

Hearing the voice of your intuition more often.

Trusting the path ahead.

But perhaps in more recent times she's been quiet, heavy, or unclear.

Attached to (or hurt by) past relationships, and overpowered by the mind.

Or perhaps you've been working hard develop a relationship with your heart, but you Know there's always room to deeper.

Openness. Softness. Calm. Depth. Presence.

You want a taste of It All. So bad.

To decide from your heart, not your head.

To reignite that fire and passion within you.

To let go of the heaviness, hurt, and anxiety.

So that you can breathe deep, raise your shoulders, and open yourself fully to life – and love – again.

Your mind can't take you where you want to go

You know it can't.

All your life you've been conditioned to "use your head," be rational. 

Think. Analyze. Explain.

You're tired.

You want to come home to the heart.

To live with your heart wide open, to others, to the flow of life, and the path ahead.

Heart Immersion

You're invited on a journey from your head to your heart

This is for you, the woman who consciously walks the spiritual path and wants to:-

  • Learn how to lighten a heavy heart, tend a painful heart, soothe an anxious heart, and open a closed heart.
  • Establish a clear pathway to talk with – and hear –  your heart so that she can lead you in alignment with your dreams.
  • Let go of attachments in the heart to past lovers so that you can feel self-love, and be free to love openly again.
  • Lead with the heart's wisdom and clarity on decisions (in work, career, business, love, family, and more).
  • Be in the flow, openness, connection, warmth, safety and calm that comes from a connected, well-tended, heart.
  • Ground into the Knowing of the deeper parts of the heart and the body as you've spent a lot of time developing your third eye (clair vision, clair audience) and feel you need to integrate.

"An active mind tells you how open or closed the heart is"

~ Matt Kahn

The world that wants you to think hard, control, and “get it done.” 

We invite you into a new approach:

Slowly, consciously, curiously, immerse yourself in the depths of your heart...

Reconnect with her, learn from her, and invite her back into leadership of your life.

Here's the flow of the Heart Immersion

(Each call recording is around 60 minutes)

1: Soul, Heart + Body Unity

Led by Jen

  • A gentle unique Akashic breathwork practice to stir the heart awake
  • Guided mediation into the depths of your heart to unlock hidden truths
  • Create clarity on heart-blockages and release them
  • Integrate womb, heart and soul for unity and coherence within your body

2: Touch Your Heart's Potential

Led by Dani

  • Open the heart and body to pleasure
  • Discover your biggest expanders and teachers of the heart; extract and integrate the heart-lessons
  • Activate into the "higher octave" of possibility within the heart
  • Touch your highest possible "path of the heart"

3: The Heart of Relationship

Led by Jen

  • Reflective, enlightening, healing journeying into the past, present, and future of relationships
  • Discover undesired repeating relationship patterns and re-write to new (within The Akashic Records)
  • Turning heartbreak and trust wounds into a powerful heart upgrade

4: Heart Emergence

Led by Dani

  • Deep, powerful chakra cleansing wash to strengthen the heart, and reopen the body
  • Activating heart-power to transmute low frequency energies, and rebalance your auric field
  • Peeling away untruths, densities, stuck energy and coming into heart healing

5. Heart - Healing Tools

Led by Jen

  • Tools and practises to calm an anxious heart, soothe a hurt heart, hear a quiet heart and maximise the power of an already-wide open heart
  • Tools that nurture and protect your open heart
  • Tools that help you create, live, and act from an open heart

6: Visioning in the Heart

Led by Dani

  • Exploring your heart as your sacred leader
  • Calling in your highest path from a heart-centered place
  • Meeting your future self from a heart-led place, receiving gifts and insights from her that will serve your immediate path ahead


Lite Rose Dieta

Connect with the the spirit of the Rose; drink rose tea, create your own rose ceremony, and/or use rose essential oil to learn from this heart-opening plant as you journey through your heart immersion.

Heart Immersion Yoga Guide: 15 Poses to Cultivate Your Sacred Heart

15 delicious heart opening yoga poses (with step-by-step pictures) that will support your heart immersion journey.

Heart Honey: Akashic Transmissions to Soothe Your Heart

A single short essay with transmissions from the Akasha, which are designed to please your eyes, soften your body, and soothe your heart.

Tools + Practices for a Happy, Whole, Heart – Supporting Ebook for Call 5

This ebook provides you with simple tools, practices and perspectives shifts to help you create an open, flowing (yet protected), happy, whole, heart.

The Higher Octave: An Akashic Code Teaching Inspired by Paul Sellig

This teaching invites us into a higher understanding in the heart, which brings perspective to heartbreak, pain, and any unresolved "lesson containers" so that we can liberate ourselves into LOVE.

Love Notes from our Clients

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Your guides for the journey...

Danielle Dillard

Hi, I’m Dani! I’m an energy coach, digital nomad, yogi and storyteller.

I'm driven by joy and a fierce love for life, and I bring a warm fire that supports the planetary shift from fear to love.

While my work is divinely guided, I support others in cultivating depth and intimacy with their wildly beautiful and complicated human experience!

My vibe is lightness, freedom, embodiment.

Jen Holmes

Hey I'm Jen. After 10 years of immersion in the corporate world I know what it's like to live from the mind!

I've rewritten much of that story in recent years as I've opened up my intuitive channel, and continue to walk the path of the heart by exploring the world of shamanism.

I hold your hand through the dark places, and my role here on Earth is to support women reclaiming and embodying their power.

My vibe is perspective, power, grounding.

More Love Notes From Clients

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We're making this an easy "YES!" for you...

Total Value of the akashic code's Heart Immersion:


You pay only:


AND when you join we'll plant 10 trees on your behalf through

Here's a sneak-peak into the Heart Immersion resources area, which you'll have immediate access to once you join (hit play below):

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This is *such* an easy yes, right?

Real Talk?

If it looks like we're trying to entice you an irresistible offer... we are!

We believe that a reawakened heart is deeply needed by women – and the world – right now.

So we've decide to measure the success of this offer by how many women decide that their heart's well-being is a priority... and how many trees we plant!

A bit more about treesisters.org...

Treesisters envision a world in which it is normal for everyone to protect and restore themselves and their world.

Their mission is to rapidly accelerate tropical reforestation by inspiring and channeling women's nature-based feminine leadership into local and global action.

In nourishing yourself through deepening into your own heart wisdom in the Heart Immersion, you are also nourishing Earth with more trees!

What outcome can you expect?

  • A pathway to listen to your heart (over your head) so that she becomes your sacred leader, optimising your choices and behaviours in life
  • Let go of past hurt, and rewrite patterns in relationship so that you can love with an open heart again
  • Discover and clear specific blocks in your heart that keep you from confidently pursuing your dreams
  • Everyday tools and meditations that help you safely open your heart to life when she feels closed and constricted
  • Magnify your heart-space field, deepen your relationship with your heart, and unveil new layers of Truth within your heart
  • Tools, practises and meditations to lighten a heavy heart, calm and anxious heart, soothe a hurt heart and amplify a quiet heart

The Heart Immersion starts from a place of intention and curiosity, and journeys into – and through – the vast territories of your heart.

Once you drop into and explore this space you get a taste of the infinite potential held within you.


Is the immersion delivered live?

I'm really busy right now. Will I have time for this?

How long do I have access to the immersion?

Is there a refund policy?

I'm too logical for all this heart-centered work. Am I suited for this immersion?

What are the Akashic Records? Will we be accessing them in this course?

What is the format of the calls?

I'm already deeply connected with my heart? How will this serve me?

More Love Notes from Clients

"A highly active, busy, mind probably isn't tasting the magic and ecstasy of a fully open heart."

~ Danielle Dillard

We could tell you that it's time to reestablish an exquisite, clear connection with your heart.

We could explain to you the peace and hope that flows from knowing and feeling her deepest most secret desires.

We could share how decisions are faster, and more in alignment with your highest path when they come from your heart...

But you've already read all the way to the end nearly 2000 words on this page...

A chord within your heart has already been struck. There's a part of your that KNOWS this already.

You're ready to reawaken her, and empower her to lead your life once again.

Click on the button below to sign up for the Heart Immersion, and you'll get instant access.



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