The dark masculine plays an incredibly important role in the creation of income within your business, particularly if you are a feminine tending or feminine identifying individual.
You see, the dark masculine is very much misunderstood – and in fact feared – by the collective. He is seen as domineering, forceful, overbearing, and unresponsive to the voices of freewill i.e. he always gets his way. In his wounded egoic state this IS how he presents, though WE are speaking of the dark masculine energy in its highest frequency. THIS energy, by comparison, is forthright, piercing, and takes no prisoners, yes, but NOT in his own egoic pursuits BUT in the revealing of YOUR most AS IS experience of Truth.
He will pin you down, yes… but only to hold the mirror to you and make you stay there as you curse, writhe and squeeze shut every part of you until you lose all energy, open your eyes and see your own beauty. Then he will hold you.
In all cases, the dark masculine is a creative energy only in so far as he is moving continuously toward Truth.
Naturally, in a world of ego, fear and as a result misrepresentation, the dark masculine is continually stalled, sabotaged and thwarted in his endeavours to reveal truth, not only to the eyes of the world, but to the internal light of consciousness.
All that he is seeking to reveal is the Truth to oneself because if every person revealed the Truth to themselves then Truth would be the reality at large.
This sounds rather abstract, maybe off tangent, after all you’re here to learn about money energetics and building your business as successfully and impactfully as possible.
We would wish to pause you on that thought and consider how, in the emerging paradigm of truth and service of the highest order to humanity – and in fact the entire collective – you envision such success to manifest when the embodied hallmarks of that paradigm is in the revealing of truth?
If you are unrevealed to yourself others will sense it - that is the nature of the new paradigm, the veil is thin and others can feel your consciousness from how you present.You cannot hide who you are as consciousness continues to rise.
If you resist the inflow of the dark masculine energy into your field then you’re resisting revealing the truth of who you are to yourself.
As such, marketing, authentic relating, authentic messaging and communication and the easeful delivery of the service that you provide to others will feel a million miles away even though you are doing all the “on paper actions”: showing up, creating content, having sales calls, making sales pages, and so much more.
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It will feel like wading through mud for two reasons.
Firstly, because you don’t know yourself and so you are unclear on your purpose, your mission, your North Star of creating. And – as creating is what you came here to do – you will move through what you THINK are the best actions and find that they either don’t yield results as anticipated, or they DO yield results but you won’t have the energy nor endurance to continue sustainably with those same results, which will be frustrating, tiring and dispiriting.
Secondly, because others will see through the charade of how you are creating; that you aren’t anchored in your Truth will be so clear to them, even if they can’t articulate why or how. It will manifest as an uneasy avoidance of you or a sidelined observation of what you’re doing in order to better hone their intuitive understandings of what to avoid.
Your dark masculine waits at the door of your most Truthful, owned experience of who you are and how you want to create.
This is not just honesty around what your product is, how it will serve, what transformation it is here to facilitate. It will also highlight how it WON’T serve, what its shortcomings are, and where your prospects and clients MAY need to fill in their educational or experiential gap OUTSIDE of what you offer.
It’s taking ownership over what aspect of the customer’s journey that you do and do not fulfil, because in either case you’re showing expertise in the realm of knowing what’s needed to create the desired transformation. It also demonstrates a sharp awareness of your own strengths, and what aspect of the transformation journey you can help your client with.
Your dark masculine will also take you into the depths of your message.
Not because some marketing expert told you that specificity is what sells or that your message is the magnet for income and clients, but rather because you aren’t available for doubt, confusion and hesitancy when you are in full clarity of what you fulfil through the service that you provide. The dark masculine has absolutely no room in its experience for confusion simply because it is in so much ownership of Truth.
You are only ever experiencing confusion because you won’t let something that wants to be, be, or you won’t let something that wants to move, move.You have stories and fears which manifest as a non-acceptance of what your experience of life is and a resistance to being ok with it, no matter WHAT it is or WHAT other people might think of it.
Masculine energetics (generally) take ownership of and DARK masculine energetics take ownership over all aspects of creation as are True.
It’s a kind of encompassing, enveloping, hold-all container for the things that you aren’t happy to accept as True - about you, about others, about the world and lives very happily with every single consequence of that full ownership. Why? because it would never compromise itself when given the choice of comfort, silence, stagnation or protection over TRUTH. It holds truth entirely, in whatever form it presents.
If you want your message to land and to create effortlessly in your business, if you want others to feel who you are without elaborate explanation of over compensation then you WILL want to tune in for your divine masculine dark energy.
He makes all of this easeful. He opens you to holding more because Truth creates great plains of abundant fertile land around and within you.
As the human collective craves resources above - for the most part everything else - others (i.e. your ideal client) will feel the vast reserves within your energy field and, as such, the pent up power that lies at your disposal. You become wildly attractive.
What’s more, he is magnetic for the feminine energies that lie within you.
Great pains have been taken in recent times to share around the attractive and abundant power and influence of the feminine.Though the inner masculine is not abundant per se, without him the container which HOLDS the feminine creations simply wouldn’t be big, strong or fortified enough to sustain continued, HELD, inflow (in any capacity: clients, money, notoriety, attention; the things that are needed to grow the business healthily)
In other words, if you have mastered ONLY the energetics of the feminine, you might create a lot but you’ll find yourself burning through it just as fast. It’s a synergy that is overlooked though now, you are not overlooking it.
The dark masculine energy is also the holding and direction – or should we more say the resonating harmonizer – of the lower chakras, so let’s say the root, sacral and solar plexus. The dark masculine harmonises the parts of you that are grounded, closer to the earthly realms, resonating with the frequency of tangibility and substance.
Surely, then, you can see that in activating the dark masculine forces of reality into the states of being that attract from the tangle realms means that he will magnetise STUFF to you. Not just any old stuff. Since he is in the pursuit of Truth he will magnetize the True Stuff that you want.
He’ll cut through the hoarding, overwhelm, superfluous and non-impactful to ensure that what you truly desire on the deepest of core-root-base levels finds its way to you. In fact, he commands it to you, not only because his energy is commanding in itself (what else could be more commanding that the Truth? Nothing can hide from that), but of course because – as we now know – he stops at nothing other than seeing, being in and savouring the Truth of who you are which, by extension, means the truth of your own deepest most hidden heart-felt desires.
Beyond stories, fears, illusions and false understandings of what the dark masculine is and what it MEANS for you once you surrender to him - you will see that in his core expression, dark masculine energy is EXTREMELY trustworthy and reliably leads into your highest timeline because Truth experienced simply is incapable of being any other way.
This you will see when you surrender to him, which you will eventually, we hope in this lifetime so that our inviting you into your expansion won’t be in vain.
We hope this share serves to activate you into a deeper relationship with the dark masculine energies of the universe. He is around you - all around you - and within you most certainly.
Close your eyes, find a quiet space and hold your intention to meet him in his purest form. He will appear for you. He is always available for those who are ready to humbly submit themselves into their own, whole, released, unadulterated Truth. These are the shores within where he will meet you.
We love you.
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