March 22


Akashic Records Access Prayer

Below is the Akashic Records access prayer.

This is not a specially ordained magical prayer that gives you permission to enter the Akashic Records. You ALWAYS have access to the Akashic Records.

It simply focusses your attention and INTENTION so that the most powerful aspect of you –your consciousness – has a singularity of focus on its desire: experiencing the Akashic Records.

Use it freely, use it liberally, but always use it *with intention* as intention is what serves to create a meaningful experience in the Records.


It is with all our intent that we ask in this moment (of all possible moments) that we receive the soul Truths (and Universal truths) that we are seeking for the highest alignment of our soul path with our human body. We are aware that the Akashic Masters, and all our ancestors, guides and the Creator is with us, serving, helping and supporting us in all moments, but it is NOW... Now that we ask to become consciously aware of all that rests in our blind spots, all that holds us back from embodying our soul light, and all which is not OF us to be released so that we are utterly free to step into the reality of who we are: divine light, never ending truth, and everlasting expansion into the infinite. We are now in the light and truth of the Records, for now, and for all moments that we Choose to be here.


It is with the intent of our Creator, who is in reality the totality of all of us, that we thank ourselves for committing to our individual – and so collective – expansion here today. We always carry the Records within us, but we give thanks to all the Masters, guides, teachers, ancestors, and all other light beings (including one another) for holding the highest vibration for our healing, and the exploration of our sovereignty within the Akasha. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. The Records are now closed, the Records are now closed, the Records are now closed.



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